Horizontal Boring, also called Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), is the ideal solution for the installation of gas, electric, water, and telecommunication lines underground, without the need for excavation, trenching, or cut-and-cover methods in congested urban environments.
A.R.E. Utility Construction’s HDD equipment installs utilities by accurately pilot boring from point-to-point underground. An experienced A.R.E. operator uses removable drill heads matched to soil conditions and a series of drill stems to push and rotate the head through the soil–while avoiding underground and aboveground obstacles.
Once A.R.E. completes the pilot bore, a backreamer and pipes are attached to the drill rod and pulled back through the pilot hole. This enlarges the pilot hole to comfortably accommodate the specified number of conduits, pipes, or cables required by the client.
Horizontal Boring saves time and money over conventional trenching methods. A.R.E. provides service that minimizes construction disruptions to people, the surrounding infrastructure, and the environment!